Flavor classes for virtual cloud servers¶
To create your server as a virtual server, open the Virtual Server tab on the Create Server page of the Cloud Control Panel.

Click the Virtual Server tab to begin creating a virtual server.¶
You can choose Virtual Server flavor classes optimized for compute, I/O, memory, general purpose, or standard resources:
Compute is optimized for web servers, application servers and other CPU-intensive workloads. Storage is entirely backed by Cloud Block Storage, for maximum flexibility.
I/O is optimized for applications that demand high disk I/O and consistent performance, such as large relational databases and NoSQL data stores. Storage is RAID 10-protected SSD.
Memory is optimized for applications that demand low-latency access to large amounts of RAM, like caching servers, in-memory analytics and search indexes. Storage is entirely backed by Cloud Block Storage for maximum flexibility.
General Purpose is for web servers, batch processing, network appliances, small databases, and most general purpose computing workloads. Storage is high-performance, RAID 10-protected SSD.
Standard scales resources like CPU, memory, and storage depending on your needs. All storage is located on RAID 10-protected SATA hard disk drives.
See also
Understanding Cloud Servers introduces key ideas. To learn how to put these ideas to work, start at Actions for Cloud Servers.