neutron CLI

The OpenStack tool primarily used for managing Cloud Networks is written in Python and called neutron. It is also known as python-neutronclient.

We recommend that you use the Python Package Index (PyPI) to install neutronclient, because it installs dependencies and required packages for you.

Alternatively, you can download the rackspace-neutronclient package from the GitHub repository for rackspace-neutronclient.

The following OpenStack documents can help you install neutronclient and learn to use it:


You can use OpenStack documentation to help you learn to use OpenStack CLIs in the Rackspace Cloud. OpenStack documents describe general practice; you should expect to supply some Rackspace-specific details. Use your Rackspace credentials where the OpenStack examples ask for OpenStack credentials.

For example, where you are asked for OS_USERNAME, supply your Rackspace username.