Checking for regional availability of flavor classes¶
Rackspace cloud servers can be created and consumed in multiple regions. However, not all flavor classes and flavors are available in all regions. When planning a flavor class and flavor, be sure to check the available flavors for the server’s region. You can get this information from the Cloud Servers API and the Cloud Control Panel.
If you use the Cloud Control Panel to create a cloud server, you can choose its region from a pull-down list. Selecting a region during server creation then limits other configuration options to only those that are available in the selected region. Other configuration options you can choose for that cloud server

Choose a region for the server before choosing any other aspect of its configuration.¶
Considerations other than the availability of a flavor class can influence your choice of the optimal region in which to create a new cloud server. About regions discusses some of the other factors you should consider.
See also
Understanding Cloud Servers introduces key ideas. To learn how to put these ideas to work, start at Actions for Cloud Servers.