Creating and listing network and subnet with neutron#

These sections walk you through creating your network and subnet and then listing them by using the neutron client.

Creating a network (neutron client)#

To create a network, you specify a name for your network. After you create a network, copy its network ID. You use this ID to create a subnet and attach it to a port.

  1. Create network with neutron request

    $ neutron net-create amp

    Positional arguments:

    • The network name. In this example, the name is amp.

    Create network with neutron response

    | Field          | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up | True                                 |
    | id             | 29f52c7e-6efd-4335-a14a-db77d32a2555 |
    | name           | amp                                  |
    | shared         | False                                |
    | status         | ACTIVE                               |
    | subnets        |                                      |
    | tenant_id      | 53501b3c25d34f8ea293c03298caed60     |
  2. Copy the ID value from the output. You will use this value when you create a subnet, provision your server, or perform other related activities. In this example, the ID is 29f52c7e-6efd-4335-a14a-db77d32a2555, but use the id from your response.

Creating a subnet (neutron client)#

To create a subnet, you specify a network, an IP address, and a name for your subnet. After you create a subnet, copy its subnet ID for future reference.

  1. Create subnet with neutron request

    $ neutron subnet-create --name Subamp /
      --ip-version 4 29f52c7e-6efd-4335-a14a-db77d32a2555

    Positional arguments:

    • name The subnet name. In this example, the name is Subamp.

    • ip-version The version of the subnet IP. In this example, the version is 4.

    • The network ID or name. In this example, we used the network ID 29f52c7e-6efd-4335-a14a-db77d32a2555.

    • The network CIDR. In this example, the CIDR is

    Create subnet with neutron response

    | Field            | Value                                        |
    | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
    | cidr             |                                 |
    | dns_nameservers  |                                              |
    | enable_dhcp      |                                              |
    | gateway_ip       |                                              |
    | host_routes      |                                              |
    | id               | 23e3059e-4f39-4f7f-8cf2-c326e5de6c37         |
    | ip_version       | 4                                            |
    | name             | Subamp                                       |
    | network_id       | 29f52c7e-6efd-4335-a14a-db77d32a2555         |
    | tenant_id        | 53501b3c25d34f8ea293c03298caed60             |
  2. Copy the id value from the output for future reference. In this example, the id is 23e3059e-4f39-4f7f-8cf2-c326e5de6c37, but use the id from your response.

Listing networks (neutron client)#

List networks with neutron request

$ neutron net-list

List networks with neutron response

| id                                   | name | subnets                                           |
| 29f52c7e-6efd-4335-a14a-db77d32a2555 | amp  | 23e3059e-4f39-4f7f-8cf2-c326e5de6c37 |

Listing subnets (neutron client)#

List subnets with neutron request

$ neutron subnet-list

List subnets with neutron response

| id                                   | name   | cidr         | allocation_pools                             |
| 23e3059e-4f39-4f7f-8cf2-c326e5de6c37 | Subamp | | {"start": "", "end": ""} |

Next topic: Booting a new server with your cloud network