Release Notes#

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For information about using the API, see the documentation overview.

API v2.0 release, September 9, 2013#

The Cloud Images service was originally released as part of the OpenStack Nova-network API, whose operations are detailed in the Image operations section of the Next Generation Cloud Servers Developer Guide.

Now Rackspace Cloud Images has been released using the OpenStack Glance API, and its operations are detailed in this guide.

What’s new#

  • Server images are used to store a snapshot of a server’s configuration. If you take an image of a server, you can create a new server from that image. The new server will have the same files and operating system that the original server had at the time the image was created.

    The Cloud Images service enables you to use standard, Rackspace supported images and to create, share, and use nonstandard images that are not supported by Rackspace.

  • Image producers create and share images with image consumers, allowing the consumers to use the shared image when booting a server. The producer shares an image with the consumer by making the consumer a member of that image. the consumer then accepts or rejects the image by changing the image member status. After it is accepted, the image appears in the consumer’s image list. As long as the consumer is a member of the image, the consumer can use the image, regardless of the image member status.

  • An image task API request performs an asynchronous image-related operation, such as importing or exporting an image. The request creates a disposable task resource that you poll for information about the operation’s status.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release