Static websites using CDN-enabled containers#

This section describes how to use your CDN-enabled containers to create static websites in Cloud Files.

Create a static website#

You can use your Cloud Files account to create a static website. First, you must CDN-enable a storage container. Any HTML or static web pages in the container become available through a static website after you set the X-Container-Meta-Web-Index header to index.html or another index page of your choice. You can also create subdirectories in your website by creating pseudo directories, as outlined in Pseudo hierarchical directories and folders. Each pseudo directory becomes a subdirectory in the website.

The page you set for X-Container-Meta-Web-Index becomes the index page for every subdirectory in your website. Each of your pseudo directories must contain a file with that name. So, if you set X-Container-Meta-Web-Index to index.html, you must have an index.html page in each pseudo directory. For example, suppose that you have a subdir pseudo directory. If you do not have an index.html page in subdir, visits to myhost/subdir/ return a status code 404 (Not Found).

You also have the option of displaying a list of HTML files in your pseudo directory, instead of a web page. You do this by setting the X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings header to True. If listings are enabled, you can add styles to your file list by setting X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-CSS to a style sheet. For example, setting X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-CSS: listing.css makes listings link to the listing.css style sheet. To view the HTML elements to which you can add styles, use your browser to view the HTML source on the listing page.

You can modify the Content-Type of directory marker objects by setting the X-Container-Meta-Web-Directory-Type header. If this header is not set, application/directory is used by default. Directory marker objects are 0-byte objects that represent directories to create a simulated hierarchical structure.

The following instructions describe using a CNAME with your DNS Server (or name server). The CNAME is the domain name of your site (such as Your CNAME is set up with your individual DNS Server. For more information about using CNAMEs, see the Cloud DNS API documentation at the API documentation home. After your CNAME is established, set the CNAME to your Cloud Files CDN URI to get your site up and running on the web.

Set up a static website

Following are the step-by-step instructions for setting up a static website.

  1. Create a container.

  2. Upload your pages to the container.

  3. Set the index (or primary page) for your website by performing a POST request to the header X-Container-Meta-Web-Index on your website’s container. See the following example. (Remember to change the X-Auth-Token to your authentication token.) You must use your storage URL and the container name to properly point to the container (storageURL/containerName).

    (You get your authentication token when you authenticate your session as shown in Authenticate to the Rackspace Cloud.)

  4. CDN-enable your container. (See in the operation CDN-enable and CDN-disable a container.)

  5. Go to your domain host and set up a CNAME using your CDN URI (X-Cdn-Uri). The CNAME is the domain or branded URI that you use instead of the CDN URI. If you need to find your CDN URI, perform a HEAD request to as shown in the description of the operation to list metadata for a CDN-enabled container.

  6. To view your website online, visit your CDN URI or your CNAME domain.

Example: Set up static web

cURL -X POST -H "X-Container-Meta-Web-Index: index.html" -H "X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c" ""

After your container has an index page set and your domain host has your CNAME recorded, your static website is ready.

Example: Container setup for static website


In the following results, the CNAME is myhost, and the X-Container-Meta-Web-Index is set to index.html. The results on the right of the example are the pages that display in the web browser.

Example: Static website enabled container results

http://myhost                     Displays container/index.html
http://myhost/page2.html          Displays container/page2.html
http://myhost/subdir              Displays container/subdir/index.html
http://myhost/subdir/             Displays container/subdir/index.html
http://myhost/subdir/pageX.html   Displays container/subdir/pageX.html


To disable a static website that you have created, send a request to remove the metadata header that created the static web site (for example, X-Container-Meta-Web-Index).

Set error pages for a static website#

Error pages are served with the status code prepended to the name of the error page that you set. For example, if you set X-Container-Meta-Web-Error to error.html, 401 errors display the page 401error.html. Similarly, 404 errors display 404error.html. You must have both of these pages created in your container when you set the X-Container-Meta-Web-Error metadata, or your site will display generic error pages.

Set the X-Container-Meta-Web-Error metadata once for your entire static website.

Example: Set error pages for static website: HTTP request

POST /v1/MossoCloudFS_0672d7fa-9f85-4a81-a3ab-adb66a880123/MyContainer HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
X-Container-Meta-Web-Error: error.html

Any class 200 status code indicates success.