Rackspace Cloud Orchestration helps you set up projects and servers with just a few clicks instead of lengthy installations. The setup process usually takes less than five minutes, depending on the template that you choose and other factors. Cloud Orchestration provides templates for a LAMP stack (to get your web server set up and running quickly), a Minecraft server, and a WordPress blog, just to name a few. For the complete list of options, see Available templates for Cloud Orchestration.

Create a stack#

Use the following steps to create a stack:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.

  3. Click Orchestration > Stack.

  4. In the All Stacks list, click the description of the template that you want to launch.

    Some templates provide multiple configurations, such as single server or multiple servers, a production stack or a development stack, or different types of database options.

  5. Click Create Stack. If you are prompted, select a flavor (configuration), and then click Create Stack.

  6. On the Create Stack page, specify a stack name and region, and then specify the operating system and server size.

  7. Specify any other requirements, which vary depending on the template that you selected and whether you chose single or multiple servers for your stack.

  8. To get a price quote, click Calculate Price in the right pane under Stack Summary.

    There is no charge for using the Orchestration feature in the Cloud Control Panel. You are only charged for the infrastructure that you use.

  9. Click Create Stack.

    You can view the status and progress of your stack build on the stack details page. All cloud infrastructure displays in the infrastructure section. When the stack displays the green Up status, the build is complete.

View stack details#

On the stack details page, click View Credentials to get any sensitive information, such as keys or passwords generated with the stack.

The bottom of the stack details page displays additional information about the application or framework that has been installed. You can use this information to build additional capabilities into your installed application.

After the stack build is complete, you can use your installed application or framework. You can also manage your stack and the individual infrastructure components in their respective locations in the Cloud Control Panel.

Delete a stack#

You can view all servers, load balancers, and databases that are part of your stack in their respective sections of the control panel. If you choose to delete an infrastructure component that is part of a stack (such as a server, load balancer, or database), that stack is likely to become unstable. Exercise caution when deleting infrastructure components. To delete an entire stack, perform the stack deletion from the Orchestration section of the control panel instead of deleting each infrastructure component individually.

Use the following steps to delete a stack:

  1. In the top navigation bar of the Cloud Control Panel, click Orchestration > Stacks.

    A list of your existing stacks appears.

  2. Click the gear icon next to the stack that you want to delete and select Delete Stack.

Create or modify a stack template#

If you have experience in creating or modifying template code, you modify an existing template or submit a custom template to create your own custom stack.

  1. In the top navigation bar of the Cloud Control Panel, click Orchestration > Stacks.

  2. To submit a custom template, click Create Custom Template. Skip to step 4.

  3. To modify an existing template, click the gear icon next to the application name, select Copy and Edit Template, select a flavor (configuration), and then click Copy Template.

  4. Specify a name for the template.

  5. Paste your template code in the box provided, upload a file, or modify existing code.

  6. Check your template for accuracy by clicking the Validate Syntax button.

  7. Click Create Template.

    To launch a stack directly from this template, click on Create Template and Launch Stack instead.