
All accounts, by default, have a preconfigured set of thresholds, or limits, to manage capacity and prevent abuse of the system. The system recognizes two kinds of limits: rate limits and absolute limits. Rate limits are thresholds that are reset after a certain amount of time passes. Absolute limits are fixed. Rate limits are processed via the Repose service.


If the default limits are too low for your particular application, contact Rackspace Cloud support to request an increase. All requests require reasonable justification.

Rate limits#

Rate limits are thresholds that control the frequency at which the user can issue specificAPI requests. Limits are reset after a certain amount of time passes.

With Cloud Queues, you can send over 25 million requests a day per project ID (approximately 300 requests per second).

If your application slightly exceeds the rate limit, the Cloud Queues service throttles your requests. The requests will take longer to perform and will have more latency. If your application greatly exceeds the 300 request per second rate limit, the API returns the HTTP response code 429 Too Many Requests. If this occurs, reduce the application’s request rate to the Rackspace Cloud Queues API by pausing slightly between each request. If your application continues to hit this limit and you cannot slow down the request rate, please contact Rackspace Cloud support.

Absolute limits#

Absolute limits are fixed. Absolute limits control the total number of specific objects that the user can possess simultaneously.

The following table provides details about the absolute limits for the Rackspace Cloud Queues API.

Absolute limits


Description | Limit

Limits on messages and queues per request

Number of queue records per page of results when listing queues

1 - 1000

Number of messages per page of results when listing messages

1 - 2

Number of messages that can be posted in a single request

1 - 25

Number of messages that can be claimed at one time

1 - 100

Number of messages that can be deleted in a single bulk delete request

1 - 25

Number of messages that can be deleted in a get by ID request

1 - 25

Time limits

Valid range for a message TTL

60 - 1209600 (1 minute to 14 days) 14 days)

Valid range for a claim TTL

60 - 43200 seconds (1 minute to 12 hours)

Valid range for a claim grace period

60 - 43200 seconds (1 minute to 12 hours)

Data limits

Queue metadata JSON

Cannot exceed 262144 bytes, including whitespace (256 KB)

Message body JSON

Cannot exceed 262144 bytes, including whitespace (256 KB)


For the 256 KB data limit for the message body JSON, if multiple messages are included in the request, this limit also applies to the sum of the message bodies added together. For example, you may have one message body of 256 KB, or up to 10 messages for which the sum of the message bodies is 256 KB. A 400 error is triggered if a single message body or the sum of multiple message bodies exceed 256 KB in a single request.