Release notes#
Learn about new features, enhancements, known issues, resolved issues, and other important details for Rackspace Cloud Orchestration API 1 service in the following release note information.
For information about using the API, see the documentation overview.
API 1.0 release, October 7, 2014#
What’s new#
This Unlimited Availability (UA) release of Cloud Orchestration contains the following changes:
The term Cloud Deployments has been dropped, and what was known as Cloud Deployments has been unified under the Cloud Orchestration product.
This product has the following history:
September 2014: Launched the ability to submit custom orchestration templates via the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel.
August 2014: Added a new and improved interface to the Cloud Control Panel, and transitioned Cloud Deployments (now called Rackspace templates) to use OpenStack Heat as the back-end engine.
April 2014: Enabled the capability for customers to submit AWS CloudFormation templates. Currently AWS EC2 Instance and AWS Elastic Load Balancing are supported.
March 2014: Launched Cloud Orchestration by providing API and CLI access to the OpenStack Heat service for use with the Rackspace Public Cloud.
Resolved issues#
None for this release
Known issues#
None for this release